Jay And Bay Neighbor Gamers

Destiny 2 Season 22 Info, Ahsoka Preview, Midnight Fight Express

Episode Summary

In this episode we preview Destiny 2 Season 22 and discus some reported information about the new season. We started the new Lightfall Campaign early this year with Destiny 2 Season1 and we talk about some of the changes to the new artifact. In streaming news Disney Plus' new Ahsoka will air this week and they have organized some some episodes that will help Star Wars Fans that don't know about this new Jedi Show. James helps us with some background information starting with Ahsoka's relationship with Anakin (Darth Vader). Ahsoka is an interesting Star Wars character she is a Togruta female, who was framed for bombing the Jedi Temple and murder. She also dual weilds 2 white light saber blades. Jay gives a synopsis of what to expect with this character which will be helpful for fans of Star Wars and this upcoming series. Lastly Bay reviews Midnight Fight Express is a level-by-level beat 'em-up. It's action is a top down view that allows for combos, counters, grappling, and the use of weapons. This game has been out for a year but came to Playstation Premium Members this past week.

Episode Notes

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